
Posts Tagged ‘workmanship’

I am back at it but in a different compacity. This term in school I took an American Literature class.  I’ve learned a lot however, one author’s piece was one of the surprises.

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a nature lover and writer and he wrote a piece entitled Self-Reliance. I think a more appropriate title should have been Self-Acceptance.  There were three takeaways I gleaned:

  1. Don’t be a conformist
  2. You are unique therefore be yourself
  3. To accept one’s self is a gift, to accept others is a greater gift.

As Christians and humans we were not made to conform to fit other’s people molds. We were created unique beings with skills, talents and personalities therefore you are who you were created to be. God loves you and created you uniquely, accept that and then accept others for who God created them to be. It’s as simple and complex as that.

As Christians were are told “not to conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.” (Romans12:2 NASB) We are supposed to be different than the world around us. The idea is that we are so distinct that people are drawn to why and the who that makes us different.

As individuals, we can’t be who other people want us to be. We won’t have the same likes, dislikes, dreams, talents, and so on. God didn’t create us that way. “We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works.” (Ephesians 2:10 NASB) He created us differently to have various purposes and goals. The body has numerous parts to it so does the Christian family. We have specific jobs. (ICorinthians 12:12-27 NASB) Don’t apologize for being different.

To accept ourselves is accepting who God made us therefore, we have truly accepted a gift. And because we can love ourselves (not in a selfish way) we can appreciate the differences in others. Do we want others to come to faith and knowledge of who Christ is?  Yes. We are to tell them the gospel but not force something down their throat. Accept them no matter what. Let the changes occur because God is working.

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